Sri Guru Ram Das University of Health Sciences

Sri Amritsar

Dissection to Reconstruction-Producing Excellence


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Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences, Sri Amritsar was established in 1997 with intake capacity of 50 seats for MBBS Course which was recognized by MCI in the year 2003. In the year 2007 institute increased its intake capacity from 50 to 100 seats for MBBS Course which was recognized by MCI in the year 2012. Again, in the year 2013 institute increased its intake capacity from 100 to 150 seats for MBBS Course which was recognized by MCI in the year 2017.

Institute started MD/ MS Course with permission from MCI in the year 2006 with intake of 3 seats in General Medicine, 3 seats in General Surgery, 2 seats in Anesthesia. Now institute has increased the MD/MS Course seats up to 115 in almost all the Clinic, Para Clinical and Basic Departments.

In the year 2016 Institute become the first Medical University in Amritsar established under SGRD University Act 2016 (Punjab Act No. 43 of 2016) published in the Punjab Government Gazette on November 17, 2016.

At present the institute has about 1500 registered students in undergraduate, Post Graduate, Nursing and Paramedical courses and 9 Ph. D. Research projects are successfully being conducted.

UNESCO Bioethics Unit of the International Network of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics (Haifa) established in 2018.

Sri Guru Ram Das Rotary Cancer hospital has facilities for latest treatment for cancer patients, equipped with Linear Accelerator, CT Simulator, Brachytherapy, which is offering world class faculties for cancer treatment, Art radiation treatment with facility of IMRT, IGRT and VMAT. It is worth mentioning here that the Linear Accelerator facility for Radiotherapy was inaugurated way back in 2015 by the erstwhile honourable Chief Justice of India Shri. H.L. Dattu.

Sri Guru Ram Das University of Health Sciences, Sri Amritsar becomes the only Private Health University in North India to get the 'Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase/ Fitting of Aids and Appliances (ADIP) Scheme under Department of Persons with Disability, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India.

Well-equipped Skill Lab has been established to provide hands on training to undergraduate, Post Graduate, Nursing and Paramedical students.

Thalassemia ward is established in pediatrics department to serve the needy thalassemic patients of the region. 

Sri Guru Ram Das University of Health Sciences, Sri Amritsar signed various International and National based MOUs with different Universities/ Institutes.


Since year 2018 University has more than 20 MOUs with National and International institutes:

  • Clinique Du Docteur Jean Caussee (Causse Ear Clinic, Beziers, France) for fellowship program in Otology, Networking Centre for Live International Otology network (Lion) & Joint Research Publications. Where Dr. Rovert Vincet, Chief Otologist will train postgraduate from our University and also offer annual exchange of fellowship students under combined training.
  • The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, UK to facilitate the building of a mutual collaboration and partnership in the field of postgraduate medical education
  • The Marien hospital Stuttgart for exchange fellowship program in Rhinoplasty - Head Neck & Joint Research Publications.
  • Faculty from the Institute have been invited by FAIMER Philadelphia (under ECFMG) in USA as Regional Institute Faculty for onsite FAIMER (Foundation of Advancement of International Medical Education and Research) fellowship program.
  • The Institute has partnered with GEMx (Global Education in Medicine Exchange) students’ program under ECFMG, USA.
  • MOU Institute of Palliative Medicine (WHO Collaborating Center for Community Participation in Palliative Care and Long-Term Care) and Sri Guru Ram Das University of Health Sciences, Sri Amritsar.
  • Department of Genetics has been established and MOU has been signed with Genomic Medical Foundation, UK.
  • Other includes. Vincents Hospital, Sydney, The governing council of the University Toronto, Australasian college of Health service Management, Cape Breton University Sydney ,Society of otolaryngologists of Nepal.


  • Ali Yavar Jung National Institute of Speech & Hearing Disabilities (Divyangjan) Mumbai for cochlear Implant Surgery and post implant rehabilitation per revised ADIP Scheme, 2014 of Govt. of India, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, New Delhi.
  • Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital & Research Center, Pune for Exchange Fellowship Program in Laryngology & Joint Research Publications
  • National Association of Palliative care for AYUSH and Integrative Medicine for foundation course and Fellowship
  • Tata Memorial Centre Mumbai.
  • Guru Nanak Dev University etc. 


  • A number of faculty has attended, presented papers in various national and international conferences, published their research work in journals of national and international repute Two STS projects have been approved by ICMR in the year 2017 and 6 projects were submitted in the year 2018.
  • The institute has organized national conferences including 57th Annual NAMS conference. This institute being only private institute to host this conference
  • Faculty development program is a regular feature. Workshops on research methodology, ethics, professionalism, mentorship, humanities and revised basic course workshop in medical educational technologies have been conducted in the recent past.
  • Recently we got a grant from BIRAC under Ministry of Health and Family Affairs of 1.5 crores for establishing clinical research center in the institute and also to become part of 7 institutes all over India for starting dialysis registry.
  • Also, a grant from DNDi and ICMR on COVID related research was received.


Fellowship program running in the institute are as follows:

  • Fellowship in Pain Management.
    • Fellowship in Palliative Care.
    • Post-doctoral fellowship in Plastic and Reconstructive Microvascular Surgery.
    • Post-doctoral fellowship for breast cancer reconstruction and Aesthetic Surgery.


Dialysis: Majority of the patients coming to this Hospital belong to rural areas and can't afford treatment. Sri Guru Ram Das Charitable Hospital, Sri Amritsar provides free dialysis facilities to these poor patients.

Janani Bhalayi Scheme: Janani Bhalayi Scheme is a maternity benefit program run by the Institute that provide free medical support to pregnant women. Normal Delivery and Caesarean Surgery done free of cost. All the medicines required for surgery provided by the Institutes itself. In case of female child birth Rs. 1100/- also given to the patient as Shagun.

Pingalwara/Jatimkhana: Total free treatment provided to the patients of Pingalwara and Jatimkhana.

Jammu & Kashmir: Sri Guru Ram Das Charitable Hospital provides free medical treatment to Jammu & Kashmir Patients.

Free OPD: Sri Guru Ram Das Charitable Hospital provides free OPD to any person of any status regardless of religion, caste and creed to which they may belong. Free meals are provided to patients and their relatives every day as part of our social service.

Camps: Free Medical Camps of various specialties and Blood donation camps are organized regularly in nearby villages and cities for the poor and needy patients. This provides highly specialized quality Medicare facility to poor patients of far-flung areas at their doorstep.

This institute provided gift of 96 cochlear implants under SOUND (screening of Universal Neonatal Deafness) and regularly organize screening camps, 75% of treatment cost is borne by the SGPC.

During COVID times oxygen camps were organized at various regions of Punjab providing oxygen and medicines free of cost to the patients/Level 3 Dedicates Covid ICU care.

In NCHPE-2021, 22 students from first prof presented eleven posters onsite.

During student exchange programme: 4 students came to our institute for one month observer ship from Mexico, Egypt and Chile.

4 Students from our institute had gone to Portugal, Germany, Peru and Indonesia.

All these achievements have resulted from the strong grit and unrelenting focused efforts of the entire team with meticulous planning and execution of all the necessary steps to achieve the targets.


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