Sri Guru Ram Das University of Health Sciences

Sri Amritsar

Dissection to Reconstruction-Producing Excellence

Operation Theaters

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The hospital has fourteen Operation Theatres well equipped, centrally air conditioned with state-of-the-art Monitors &Anesthesiaworkstations which provide extreme patient safety. Other sophisticated equipment for safe anesthesia practice is also available. As a result the complicated surgeries refused by other hospitals are done here.Two emergency operation theatres are also available for emergency operations round the clock.


Department of Surgery

Being a unique center of its kind, all extra major surgeries are done in daily routine including:

  • Paediatric Surgery
  • Tracheo – oesophageal fistula
  • P. SARP for High ARM
  • Operation for Hirschsprung’s Disease
  • Choledochal Cyst
  • WHIPPLE’S Operation
  • Oesophagectomy for Carcinoma oesophagus
  • Anterior Resection and A.P.R for Carcinoma rectum
  • All types of malignancies (Radical Surgery)
  • Gastrointestinal Surgery
  • G Upper & Lower G I Endoscopy is being done regularly with Karlstorz Endoscope Photo -7
  • Laparoscopic surgery is being done with three chip Camera with High Definition (HD) resolution Laparoscopic for Gall Bladder, Appendix, Hernia and Nissaria fundoplication etc.
  • Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a patient with situs-inversustotalis has been carried out in the department.
  • Breast Cancer Surgery
  • BCS, MRM
  • Neurosurgery
  • Neuro Trauma
  • Brain Tumours
  • Spinal Surgery
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Skin Flap Grafting
  • Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Otoplastics
  • Vaginoplastics
  • Microvascular Surgery
  • Reconstructive Surgery
  • Trauma Surgery
  • Urology
  • TURP
  • URP
  • PCNL
  • OIU
  • Diagnostic Cystoscopy
  • D-J-Stenting
  • Microvascular Surgery
  • Reconstructive Surgery
  • Trauma Surgery
  • Urology
  • TURP
  • URP
  • PCNL
  • OIU
  • Diagnostic Cystoscopy
  • D-J-Stenting

Department of Orthopaedics

  • 24 hours trauma services including Pelvis, acetabula and spine trauma are being done
  • All adult reconstructive surgeries including hip, knee, shoulders replacement available in well equipped laminar airflow OT’s.
  • Revision hip and knee surgeries are also done.
  • Special facilities for sports injuries including arthroscopic shoulder, knee and ankle surgery available.
  • Ilizarou techniques for infected gap non-union of long bones are being done by dedicated team.
  • Resection/reconstruction surgery for malignant bone tumor, including mega prosthesis are done in collaboration with oncology department paediatric surgery for congenital anomalies CDH

Department of Ophthalmology

The Department has been granted approval as centre for corneal transplants.

The department is equipped with:

Slit lamp-Every patient is examined in detail on slit lamp which gives magnified and stereoscopic view of anterori and posterior segment of eye. It can be used in conjunction with the goniolens and 90D for angle and fundus examination.

  • Autorefractometer – The department is equipped with refraction unit including objective and subjective refraction.
  • Keratometer- Manual and automated keratometersare used for corneal curvatures studies and IOL calculations.
  • Humphey visual field analyser – Glaucoma and neurological cases are screened, diagnosed and monitored using the latest HVA.
  • Fundus camera and angiography – Retina clinic is equipped with fundus camera and flouroscenin angiography for fundus examination and pathological lesions.
  • Argon green laser 532nm-PRP, macular grid and focal laser is done in required patients.
  • Synaptophore – Patients with psoriases, residual squint and amblyopia are made to exercise using Synaptophore in squint clinic.
  • Phacoemulsification –latest surgeries for cataract are available. The department is equipped with a latest surgical microscope and phacomachine for the cataract surgery, Unifocal, multifocal lenses and sclera fixated IOL are implanted in the patients.
  • Fugo plasma knife -  Latest surgical tool fugo plasma knife is uded for bloodless lid surgeries, capsulorhexis, glaucoma surgeries etc.
  • Cryo knife: For performing Retinal Cryo.
  • A-Scan Biometry: to calculate the IOL Power by measuring the A-P Diameter of the eye.
  • B-Scan: To assess the Posterior chamber in patients with Hazy Media. It is done in collaboration with Department of Radiodiagnosis.
  • Non- Contact Tonometry: it is used to assess the IOP of the patient’s eye without touching the Corneal surface.
  • Fluoroscein Angiography: The imaging of the reinal blood vessels is done after injecting Fluorescein dye in the body.


  • DSAEK: DSAEK is a partial thickness cornea transplant procedure that involves selective removal of the patient’s Descement membrane and endothelium, followed by transplant of donor corneal endothelium addition to donor corneal stroma.
  • DMEK: is a partial-thickness corena transplant procedure that involves selective removal of the patients Descementmemberane and endothelium, followed by transplant of donor corneal endothelium and Descement membrane without additional stromal tissue from the donor.
  • DALK: DALK is a partial-thickness cornea transplant procedure that involves selectives transplantation of corneal stroma. Leaving the native Sescement membrane and endothelium in place.
  • PKP: PKP is full-thickness transplant procedure, in which a trephine of an appropriate diameter is used to make a full-thickness resection if the patient’s cornea, followed by placement of full-thickness donor corneal graft.

Department of ENT

This department is well equipped with Endscopes & Microdebrider for FESS (Functional Endoscopics Sinus Surgery).

Another introduction is coblation unit Long awaited Cochlear implant surgery has been started in the department.

The department has fully fumctional audiology & speech hearing therapy unit for doing all kinds of investigations like pure tone audiometry BERA, OAE & Impedance audiometry. Speech 7 Hearing rehabilitation is beiong given to deaf & mute person.

Temporal bone dissection lab is running successfully under the supervision of Consultants.

Department of Gynaecology

Department is fully staffed and equipped to cater to needs of women health from adolescence to geriatric care. It provides maternity services free of cost under Janani Bhalai Scheme and all kinds of investigations, diagnosis and therapeutics surgical skills related to gynae problems- namely gynae operative work infertility procedures and gynaeonco surgery. It offers preventive oncoLogy services by way of screening of carcinoma cervix, includirmcvtology,.colposcopy and HPV Virology testing,Cervical cancer vaccination is done. The department covers all routine and emergency clinical work around the clock. 'Emergency Obstetrics services are available including critical care, ICU Et HDU facilities for all referred / booked cases. It runs designated eight clinics like antenatal, postnatal clinic, adolescent clinic, Infertility clinic, gynae endocrinology clinic,cancer clinic and menopausal clinic,.

Under Family Welfare clinic -- conselling is offered besides temporary contraception, MTP services and sterilization services with full respect to MTP act and PC-PNDT act. Under NACO PPCT programme is implemented where HIV/AIDS counseting and testing facility is provide free of cost. VDRL testing is done under STI services. Infertility services need special mention as investigations of both partners, Hysterosalpingography, sperm preparation, Hysteroscopy, laparoscopy are avaitable. ART facilities are under consideration of the authorities. Cancer clinic offers-- screening, detection and prevention by providing cytology, colposcopy, HPV testing, cryotherapy, electric cautery, leep cautery with comptete back up of oncotogy unit (SGRD Cancer Hospital) for oncosurgery and oncotherapy.

National Programmes:

The department is actively involved in many National programmes namely:

  • Reproductive and child health programme including safe motherhood
  • Family Welfare programme (Contraception/MTP)
  • National Anemia Control programme esp for antenatal mothers by distribution of iron and folic acid tablets.
  • National Aids Control Programme including prevention of parent to child transmission programme and STI/RTI management.
  • Gential Tuberculosis under Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme(RNTCP)
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