Dissection to Reconstruction-Producing Excellence
Inspired students at SGRD University gave life to their imagination and save many human lives…
SGRD University is home to one of the best infrastructure departments. The Library houses best books, journals in thousands for providing the best learning experience to the students…
Students from diverse disciplines like Medical, Dental, Nursing have come together to develop many path breaking initiatives …
SGRD University’s various educational committees are initiative to nurture and develop innovations and create skills among faculty and students …
Enable quality placements for students across different streams…
SGRD University is providing various scholarships to deserving students …
Inspired students at SGRD University gave life to their imagination and save many human lives…
The key to success was discipline of SGRDUHS which was tough at times, but at the end of the day, it was worth. The guidance I gained from the institute will serve me well in the future too.
It was a huge decision to study medicine and there's no way I would've been able to do that without the cooperation of the faculty and options offered by SGRDUHS which made me justify my degree.
Five years at SGRD has made me value the human life more than ever and has helped me grow as a medical student. The faculty has guided me step by step like a toddler to help me excel in academics.
The institute has given me ample exposure to clinical experiences. The institute has the latest equipments and gives us exposure to conventional as well as advanced techniques.
My journey of lifetime began through the gates of SGRD and today it is that very step which proved to be my greatest and wisest, as it lead me through the doors of self discovery and development.
The institute focuses on multidimensional learning and excels the students in all endeavors. The institute has given me ample exposure to clinical experiences and has taught me lessons of life.
The institute has moulded my personality from being a student to becoming a doctor. The faculty has guided me step by step like a toddler to help me excel in academics
I can positively say SGRDUHS has made me a better person. It has helped me develop a positive attitude towards my studies and discover more about myself. Teachers are very caring and interested in student's well-being.
College Degree is not a sign that one is a finished product but an indication that one is prepared for life that is what my college has taught me and thank you all my teachers for everything.
The key to success was discipline of SGRDUHS which was tough at times, but at the end of the day, it was worth. The guidance I gained from the institute will serve me well in the future too.
It was a huge decision to study medicine and there's no way I would've been able to do that without the cooperation of the faculty and options offered by SGRDUHS which made me justify my degree.
Five years at SGRD has made me value the human life more than ever and has helped me grow as a medical student. The faculty has guided me step by step like a toddler to help me excel in academics.
The institute has given me ample exposure to clinical experiences. The institute has the latest equipments and gives us exposure to conventional as well as advanced techniques.
My journey of lifetime began through the gates of SGRD and today it is that very step which proved to be my greatest and wisest, as it lead me through the doors of self discovery and development.
The institute focuses on multidimensional learning and excels the students in all endeavors. The institute has given me ample exposure to clinical experiences and has taught me lessons of life.
The institute has moulded my personality from being a student to becoming a doctor. The faculty has guided me step by step like a toddler to help me excel in academics
I can positively say SGRDUHS has made me a better person. It has helped me develop a positive attitude towards my studies and discover more about myself. Teachers are very caring and interested in student's well-being.
College Degree is not a sign that one is a finished product but an indication that one is prepared for life that is what my college has taught me and thank you all my teachers for everything.
The key to success was discipline of SGRDUHS which was tough at times, but at the end of the day, it was worth. The guidance I gained from the institute will serve me well in the future too.